WP4: Modelling
Work package 4 (WP4) is headed by Prof. Gabriele Broll from the Institute of Geography of the University of Osnabrück (Germany). The main objective of WP4 is to upscale the processes analysed within the other work packages in order to predict and assess decay dynamics at regional and landscape scales. Spatial modelling is intended to reveal effects of climate, topography, soil properties and vegetation on decomposition and to improve understanding of these relationships.
Modelling of the spatial distribution of humus forms is realised with the help of fuzzy logic techniques from digital soil mapping. Fuzzy membership functions depending on environmental variables such as elevation and exposition are built with the help of methods for data analysis, e.g. decision trees. Based on these, prediction maps of the investigation area are generated in a GIS-based spatial modelling approach. Correlations representing links between soil organisms, soil properties, humus forms and the related decomposition processes are also examined. The implications of utilizing different modelling approaches and the influences of scale are tested.
WP4 - Team

Professor for Physical Geography and Soil Research University of Osnabrück Institute of Geography GERMANY gabriele.broll@uni-osnabrueck.de

University of Osnabrück Institute of Geography GERMANY nhellwig@uni-osnabrueck.de

University of Osnabrück Institute of Geography GERMANY
WP4 - Collaborators
WP4 - Participating students
Prof. Jean-Michel Gobat
Soil & Vegetation Laboratory
University of Neuchâtel
Dr. Giacomo Sartori
Museo delle Scienze (MUSE),
Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza 3,
38122 – Trento - ITALY
Janike Wagener
Master student
University of Osnabrück
Institute of Geography
Dr. Ulfert Graefe
Senior Researcher
IFAB Institute for Applied Soil Biology GmbH- Hamburg
Dr. Anneke Beylich
PostDoc Researcher
IFAB Institute for Applied Soil Biology GmbH - Hamburg