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New publication!

April 2020

Great News! Our paper about fungal-bacterial interactions in alpine forest ecosystems has been accepted at Scientific Reports. Thanks again to all the coauthors, specially Dr. Maraike Probst, for their contribution!

Award of Excellence 2018 Tommaso´s thesis

Wednesday 5th of December 2018

We are proud to announce that Dr. Bardelli has received the „Award of Excellence 2018“ from the Austrian Ministery of Education, Science and Research {Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung) in Vienna, for his excellent PhD-Thesis. His extraordinary actiivities during his PhD - in CoTutela between the University of Florence (IT) and the University of Innsbruck, Institut of Microbiology headed by Prof. Insam (A) - yielded in total 10 publications (!) in international, high impact factor Journals, further evidencing also the great collaboration among all WPs of the DACH-DecAlp project!

Well done Tommaso: excellent!

Marta´s PhD defense

27th of June 2018

Marta Petrillo successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Establishing a Model about Coarse Woody Debris Decay Dynamics in Subalpine Forest – A Case Study from Trentino, Italy”at the University of Zürich, Switzerland, on 27th of June 2018. Well done Marta! Congratulations!

Niels´s PhD defense

14th of June 2018

Niels defended his PhD entitled "Spatial patterns of humus forms, soil organisms and soil biological activity at high mountain forest sites in the Italian Alps" at the University of Osnabrück (Germany) on 14th of June 2018 with "Summa cum laude": great job Niels! Congrats!


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