WP3: Coarse woody debris
Dr. Paolo Cherubini (WSL, Switzerland) and Prof. Markus Egli (University of Zurich, Switzerland) have the lead of work package 3 (WP3).
Although the persistence or decay rates of coarse woody debris (CWD) over time and as function of climate is a basic information which is instrumental for understanding the cycle of carbon and nutrients, only very scarce data about this relationship are available. Consequently, the main aim of WP3 is to study the decay mechanisms of CWD (rate, dependence of climate) and its incorporation into the humus of the soil. The main research questions are the following:
How does climate affect coarse woody decay at alpine sites:
how do chemical properties of alpine coniferous trees vary as a function of decay?
how are biochemical characteristics influenced by the thermal regime?
What time scales are involved in the CWD decay of Picea abies and how do they vary with climate?
How quickly is CWD (Picea abies) integrated into soil organic matter fractions? In which way are the decay products of CWD stabilised?
We focus only on natural forest ecosystems of subalpine sites along an altitudinal gradient (climosequence) by using a biogeochemical (C, N, lignin, cellulose, δ13C, δ15N, nutrients), dendrochronological (tree ring width sequences of deadwood to derive the time since death; cross-dating with a master chronology) and dating (14C; for highly decomposed tree material that cannot be dated using dendrochronology) approach. In addition, experimental manipulations by using soil-mesocosm where highly labelled (δ13C) plant material (Picea abies) and wood blocks are placed and used to characterise and quantify the related decomposition processes and its integration into soil organic matter (chemical and physical) fractions
WP3 - Team

Head of the Geochronology group Department of Geography University of Zurich markus.egli@geo.uzh.ch

Senior Scientist Dendroecology Research Group WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Switzerland paolo.cherubini@wsl.ch

PhD student Department of Geography University of Zurich marta.petrillo@geo.uzh.ch Dendroecology Research Group WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research - marta.petrillo@wsl.ch martapetrillo@hotmail.it

Group leader Soil Science and Biogeochemistry Department of Geography University of Zurich Switzerland samuel.abiven@geo.uzh.ch
WP3 - Collaborators
WP3 - Participating students
Dr. Federica Camin
IASMA, Fondazione Edmund Mach,
I-38010 San Michele all’Adige
Keywords: stable isotopes (d13C, d15N)
Dr. Fabio Angeli
Forestry service,
Keywords: forest service, field support, logistics
Stelvio Park
Comitato di Gestione per la Provincia Autonoma di Trento del Consorzio
del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Via Roma, 65
38024 Cogolo di Peio TN
Dr. Giacomo Sartori
Museo delle Scienze (MUSE),
Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza 3,
38122 – Trento - ITALY
Keywords: mapping soil humus forms, soil sampling (profile descriptions), logisti
Dr. Roberto Larcher
IASMA, Fondazione Edmund Mach,
I-38010 San Michele all’Adige
Keywords: soil chemistry, coordination
Dr. Daniela Bertoldi
IASMA, Fondazione Edmund Mach,
I-38010 San Michele all’Adige
Keywords: soil chemistry (C,N, nutrients)
Dr. Alice Barbero
IASMA, Fondazione Edmund Mach,
I-38010 San Michele all’Adige
Keywords: soil chemistry(C,N, nutrients)
Master students (University of Zurich): Mike Schärer, Simon Hafner (SOM fractionation, C manipulations)
High school student (Gymnasium Unterstrass, Zurich): Salome Guldener (C dynamics)